Box designed in simular shape and with supportive housing to hold in place. see through lid.
dark foam housing and dark box, white solid usb.
wrap around lid
slot for item to stand up with box, still forms rectangle box shape, opens easily and wide space to see and get item.
resembles envelope or box file - know how to open and that it holds something important.
cylinder shape, lid slips up - smart and different. would need to be less deep for usb stick, and some moulding or filler within box to hold it in and protect from rattling. Leaflet about it could be rolled around to cylinder shape around inside moulding.
has designated slots in moudling for different elements - could have one for leaflet and one for usb stick.
box with full lift off lid - feels luxurious, associate with speciality hand crafted items, including choclates or jewlerry.
shape correlates to the product - could make box be a brick or architects classic item.
interactive box shape that relates to known item - could have usb and its housing pull out of shape in way that relates to box shape and product.
box with details cut out of it, shape not just solid rectangle or square but form interesting object.
Item shows great creativity! The box, made of wood and openable and showing straw like tissue, conveys concept of a box on old ship, even pirate associations. Fits product design. Could take idea to form box that had shape associated with architects, such as a box that held stationary impliments, but held the usb and leaflet instead.
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